Technology Quizzes

Looking to run a quiz for a software or technology-focused meetup?

Save yourself the hassle of writing one when you could just purchase one instead.

Computer Science Quiz 1

This quiz is made up of 5 sections, each with 10 questions and should take 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. The quiz is suitable for people with a solid grasp of computer science.

The topics are:

  • Acronyms: Frequently used acronyms which get used without giving a second through to what they actually mean.
  • Concepts: Theoretical programming concepts as well as design paradigms.
  • Math: Bitwise operations, number system conversions, and other number knowledge.
  • Famous Figures: The people behind famous inventions, concepts, and institutions.
  • Code: A practical exercise working out the output of simple programs writen in 10 languages.

The download contains:

  • PowerPoint of the questions and answers.
  • Printable sheet for the code section.